Visitor to Sandsend, near Whitby, makes heartfelt plea for help after losing his late father's wedding ring

A holidaymaker is making a heartfelt plea for help after losing his late father's wedding ring while on a visit to Sandsend.
The wedding ring which was lost at Sandsend, near Whitby.The wedding ring which was lost at Sandsend, near Whitby.
The wedding ring which was lost at Sandsend, near Whitby.

Lewis Jones said: "I was swimming in the sea at Sandsend on Sunday (June 13).

"Sadly I was wearing what was my dad's wedding ring and it must have fallen off.

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"My dad died in 2015 in this was the only thing I have of his bar the memories so as you can imagine Iā€™m very sad.

"I had hoped one day it would be my wedding ring."

Lewis, who lives in Helmsley, added: "We were sitting along the flood defence and it could be anywhere between the beach and there."

He was in Sandsend between midday and 3pm.

The gold signet ring, pictured, has a green square stone with red specks in the rock and an engraving on the inside of the ring.

If you find Lewis' ring, you can email [email protected] or call him on 07399 588572.

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