Yorkshire motorists driven to distraction by in-car technology

THE technological revolution that is set to make driverless cars a common sight on Yorkshire's roads is having a worrying impact on the humans who are currently steering vehicles around the county.

A leading motoring law firm has warned that many drivers are putting themselves and other road users at risk by allowing themselves to be distracted by the technology within modern cars.

More than half of motorists (57 per cent) admit to making errors while driving because they were busy using their sat-nav, stereo, mobile phone or other technology.

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Around 1.4m drivers have had to swerve to avoid an oncoming vehicle and 1.25m have passed through a red light after being distracted by technology.

Law firm Geoffrey Miller warn that a rise in super-tech cars with in-car screens and complimentary Netflix subscriptions could make it harder for motorists to focus on driving.

Five seconds looking away from the road while driving at 30mph can result in a car travelling over 50m.

On the motorway, where a car is travelling at the national speed limit (70mph), a car could travel 160m while the driver’s gaze is elsewhere.

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