Nine poisonous garden plants revealed

Can leave you feeling sick and dizzyCan leave you feeling sick and dizzy
Can leave you feeling sick and dizzy
Green fingered Brits are being warned to look out for common poisonous plants in their gardens.

The experts at have researched the plants that could cause harm to humans and pets.

Among the list are garden favourites like Lily of the Valley, Wisteria and Hydrangea. If eaten, these can lead to symptoms including vomiting and nasty rashes.

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Others have more sinister sounding names including Deadly Nightshade which can lead to hallucinations and convulsions and Hemlock which in the most severe cases, can kill.

Even dessert favourite rhubarb can cause damage if you eat the leaves.

A spokesperson for Garden Buildings Direct said: “Don’t be fooled by a pretty, sweet smelling plant – it could be hiding a deadly secret – and could leave you and your pet feeling a little under the weather.

“There are some on our list that clearly have lethal tendencies, like Deadly Nightshade and Hemlock. Others are a little more surprising.

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“Take hydrangeas for example. Who knew these beautiful, flower laden plants contained cyanide? And our springtime favourites Daffodils – if a dog digs up and chews on the bulb it could lead to vomiting, diarrhoea and convulsions.”

Here is’s list of poisonous plants:

Lily of the Valley

It may smell and look lovely but the toxic compounds in Lily of the Valley called cardiac glycosides can leave you feeling dizzy, vomiting and covered in a rash.


Delicious in a crumble as long as you just use the stalk and avoid the leaves. Eating too many may cause your kidneys to shut down.


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These plants rarely harm humans but the seed pods are toxic to dogs, cats and horses.


The bulbs are the dangerous part of this plant. If you have a dog that loves to dig, keep them away from your daffs. Eating them will cause vomiting, convulsion and diarrhoea.


These contain cyanide. But don’t worry, you need to eat lots for it to be fatal.

Deadly nightshade

Most common in central, eastern and southern parts of the UK, this can cause dilated pupils, problems balancing and a rash. It may eventually lead to hallucinations and convulsions.

English yew

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Almost every part of this is poisonous, especially the leaves and seeds. Eating these can leave you feeling dizzy, have a dry mouth and dilated pupils.


Often found on riverbanks and in ditches, this can cause sickness if eaten. In severe cases, it can kill by paralysing the lungs.


This beautiful plant produces mad honey. In Roman times troops were given honey made from the plant which poisoned them. Symptoms include vomiting, confusion and heart problems.